Strand7 Snippets

Strand7 Snippets

Strand7 Snippets are very short articles about very useful features in Strand7.

New snippets are added periodically.

#11 Displaying Real Numbers
Learn how real numbers are formatted through various display styles, including Fixed, Scientific and Auto, and how these affect the presentation of model and result data.
#10 Default Folder Location on Open
Discover how the default folder location of the Open File dialog is determined.
#9 Defining Selections with Entity Sets
Discover an alternative method to categorise entities for easier selection.
#8 Defining and Changing Property Numbers
Things to know about the creation and reordering of property numbers.
#7 SUMMARY/Property Edit Mode
List all properties, and edit property data, in grid mode.
#6 Right-Click Entity Selection Icons
Access additional options to specify the sub-type and the part of an entity to select.
#5 Open Result File Options
The options icon in the available result files dialog opens the options page, which allows you to hide particular result cases from the result file. For example, for linear buckling analysis you can hide negative modes.
#4 Plate Thickness
The thickness of plate elements can be defined in the plate property data or via a plate element attribute. Thickness assigned as a plate element attribute supersedes the thickness in the plate property data.
#3 Clone Function
Quickly create a copy of an open model and immediately open it.
#2 Entity Selection Icons
Things to know about the Entity Selection Icons.
#1 Open File Location
Quickly open the folder in which the Strand7 model is located.
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