Strand7 Snippets

Snippet #8: Defining and Changing Property Numbers

New Property Number
Beam, plate and brick element properties are usually created via VISUAL/Global/Properties using the New property icon or the adjacent popup menu, which offers the New property and the New property number functions.

Whilst New property number allows you to define both the name and the number of a new property,

New property automatically sets the property number and name. The number will be the next available one below the currently focused property. For example, referring to the property dialog above, if New property is clicked while Property 702 is focused, Property 703 will be created; if Property 1 is focused, Property 3 will be created; and if Property 901 is focused, Property 905 will be created.

Changing Property Numbers
Property numbers can be changed via the Reorder/renumber/rename properties icon.

The entire list of properties is presented in a grid for easy editing of property numbers, names and colours. Elements will automatically reference the new number, so changing property numbers does not change the model.

Additional information
Similar renumbering functionality is also available in VISUAL/Global/UCS and in all of the LAYOUTS sub-tabs (e.g. Tables).

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