File Formats: Composite Material Library


Composite ply material data can be stored in, and retrieved from, a .CML file using Plies: Import/Export Ply Data. This enables the storing/retrieval of one data set at a time. To create a new composite ply material library consisting of a large number of composite ply material data sets, the Utility: Make Library function can be used. To use this function to create a new composite ply material library, a source text file in the format described below is required.

The source text file must be encoded in UTF-8. Floating point data can be entered in either fixed format (e.g., 23.454) or exponential format (e.g., 2.3454E1). The exponent character can be either 'e' or 'E'. The decimal separator can be either a period (.) or a comma (,). Either character can be used as the decimal separator without having to specify it, as long as the file contains one or the other, not both. Both period and comma are allowed in the material name field. Comment lines are allowed and are prefixed by a "/". Data fields are separated by space or tab characters.

There are 23 composite ply material data fields, arranged in the following order:

  1. Composite material name: must be between one and 250 characters long; must be enclosed in double quotes (e.g., "170gsm 4-HS Kevlar 49 - Vf = 55% - Tensile").
  2. Modulus E1.
  3. Modulus E2.
  4. Shear modulus G12.
  5. Poisson's ratio.
  6. Density.
  7. Ply thickness.
  8. Thermal expansion 1.
  9. Thermal expansion 2.
  10. Weave type: one of "U" for Unidirectional, "B" for Bidirectional, "T" for Tridirectional or "Q" for Quasi-Isotropic; must be enclosed in double quotes.
  11. Allowable (limit) Tension Stress 1.
  12. Allowable (limit) Tension Stress 2.
  13. Allowable (limit) Tension Strain 1.
  14. Allowable (limit) Tension Strain 2.
  15. Allowable (limit) Compression Stress 1.
  16. Allowable (limit) Compression Stress 2.
  17. Allowable (limit) Compression Strain 1.
  18. Allowable (limit) Compression Strain 2
  19. Allowable (limit) Shear Stress.
  20. Allowable (limit) Shear Strain.
  21. Allowable (limit) Interlamina Shear Stress.
  22. Transverse Shear modulus G13.
  23. Transverse Shear modulus G23.

An example of a composite ply material library source file with two entries is shown below.


/My custom ply materials

/Units: SI

/Designation E1 E2 G12 Poisson's Ratio Density thickness alpha1 alpha2 Weave Type Tstress1 Tstress2 Tstrain1 Tstrain2 Cstress1 Cstress2 Cstrain1 Cstrain2 Shear stress Shear Strain Interlamina G13 G23

"Custom - 170gsm 4-HS Kevlar 49 - Vf = 55% - Tensile" 3.36E+10 3.65E+10 1.90E+09 8.00E-02 1.34E+03 2.13E-04 0.00E+0000 0 "B" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

"Custom - S-glass/Epoxy Vf = 0.50" 4.3E10 8.9E9 4.5E9 0.27 2000 0 5.0E-6 2.6E-5 "U" 1.28E9 4.9E7 0.0 0.0 6.9E8 1.58E8 0.0 0.0 6.9E7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

See Also