Detect: Face Junctions


Identifies and highlights edges of geometry faces that are connected to two or more other geometry faces, forming a junction according to rules set under View Settings: Free Edge Tab.

Once set, the function remains active to dynamically highlight face junctions as the model is changed. To stop highlighting face junctions, deactivate the function.


A number of selection options may be applied upon activating the function.

Select junction edges

If set, geometry edges at identified junctions are selected. Cannot be set in conjunction with Select whole face.

Select whole face

If set, geometry faces at identified junctions are selected. Cannot be set in conjunction with Select junction edges.

Select vertices on junction

If set, vertices at identified junctions are selected. Cannot be set in conjunction with Select vertices on face.

Select vertices on face

If set, all vertices on faces at identified junctions are selected. Cannot be set in conjunction with Select vertices on junction.

Right-click functions

Right-click the Detect/Face Junction icon to open View Settings: Free Edge Tab.

See Also