Results Graphs: Common Controls
List of graphs defined in the model.

Filter type of graphs listed.
List all graphs
All graphs in the model are listed, regardless of compatibility with the current analysis type.
List compatible graphs
Only graphs compatible with the current analysis type are listed.
For example, graphs of results vs time are only shown for time-based analyses; they are not shown for static analyses.
List current solution graphs
Only graphs created using exactly the same analysis type are listed.
For example, graphs created in a linear transient analysis are not shown in a nonlinear transient analysis, even if they are compatible.

Sets the size of the graph window.
Small Size
Size is set to 30% of the screen dimensions.
Medium Size
Size is set to 50% of the screen dimensions.
Large Size
Size is set to 75% of the screen dimensions.
Full Screen
Maximises the graph window.
Match model window
Size is set to match the model window.
User defined size
Size is set to the user defined size saved using the Remember this size function.
Remember this size
Saves the current graph window size for subsequent retrieval using User defined size.
See Also