Mesh Tools: Attach Parts


Creates attachment links (Insert: Attachment Link) based on the definitions of attachment attributes assigned to beam, plate and brick elements.

Attachments are projected from source elements to target elements, up to the Max Gap distance assigned in the attachment attribute definition.  The default projection direction depends on the element and attachment type:

The final attachment point might not be in the default projection direction but will be within the angular tolerance specified as the Maximum Merging Angle.


Source Elements

Specifies which elements with attachment attributes to consider as source elements.

Target Elements

Specifies which elements to consider as targets when projecting attachment points.

Brick Targets

Specifies which points to consider when projecting to target brick elements.

Maximum Merging Angle (deg)

Angle that determines whether multiple attachments emanating from a single node should be attached together.

If the angle between adjacent normals of elements with attachment attributes is less than the Maximum Merging Angle, a merged attachment will be produced at the average position. If the angle is larger than the tolerance value, then separate attachments will be produced.

Delete existing attachments

If set, existing attachments (both attachment links and filling elements, such as beams or rigid links) will be deleted before new attachments are generated.

Only affects regions where new attachments are required, and will ignore other areas of the mesh.

The option does not distinguish between attachments manually created by the user, and attachments generated by previous executions of the Attach Parts tool. In many cases, it is better to manually delete unwanted attachments before rerunning the tool.

Common Controls

See Also