View: View Manipulation
Adjusts the view in the display area.
Reframe active view

Scales and draws the model in the active view such that its extents fill the display area. The model is positioned in the centre of the display, rotated according to the current view angles. The rotation origin is reset to the centre of the bounding box around the model.
In multiview mode only one view will be active at any time, and that is the view that will be reframed. In single view mode, the view is always the active view, so it will always be reframed.
This function can also be performed by pressing the F3 key on the keyboard.
Reframe all views

In single view mode, this is the same as Reframe active view. In multiview mode, it performs a Reframe active view on all views.
This function can also be performed by pressing the F4 key on the keyboard.
Reset rotation origin

Resets the rotation origin to the centre of the bounding box around the model.
This function can also be performed by pressing the F5 key on the keyboard.
The rotation origin can be set to any point on the model by double-clicking that point in the display.
Zoom in window

Enlarges a specified rectangular region of the display area such that it fills up the entire display area.
The region is defined by a left-click-drag action in the model window; upon releasing the mouse, the zoom operation is performed. Allowance is made for differences in aspect ratio between the display area and the region.
The function can be performed multiple times in sequence without having to click the icon every time by using Ctrl+Click the first time. To exit this repeated zoom mode, press the Esc key on the keyboard.
The function can also be performed by pressing the F6 key on the keyboard.
Zoom out window

Reduces the entire display area so that it fills up a specified rectangular region.
The region is defined by a left-click-drag action in the model window; upon releasing the mouse, the zoom operation is performed. Allowance is made for differences in aspect ratio between the display area and the region. Areas of the model that are currently outside the display area will come into view after zooming out.
The function can be performed multiple times in sequence without having to click the icon every time by using Ctrl+Click the first time. To exit this repeated zoom mode, press the Esc key on the keyboard.
This function can also be performed by pressing the F7 key on the keyboard.
Last view

Returns the view to the one before the current view.
This function can also be performed by pressing the F8 key on the keyboard.
Repeated use of the function can be used to toggle the display between the last two views.

Translates the current view of the model without changing its size or view angle.
A line specifying the direction and magnitude of the translation is defined by a left-click-drag action; upon releasing the mouse, the pan operation is performed.
The function can be performed multiple times in sequence without having to click the icon every time by using Ctrl+Click the first time. To exit this repeated pan mode, press the Esc key on the keyboard.
This function can also be performed by pressing the F10 key on the keyboard.
Zoom in

Enlarges the size of the current view by a pre-set zoom ratio centred at the middle of the display area. The zoom ratio is set under View Settings: Drawing Tab
The function can also be performed by pressing the + key on the keyboard.
Zoom out

Reduces the size of the current view by a pre-set zoom ratio centred at the middle of the display area. The zoom ratio is set under View Settings: Drawing Tab
This function can also be performed by pressing the - key on the keyboard.
See Also