Tables: Assign Table to Property


Assigns the current table to selected beam, plate or brick properties.

This function is available only for property related tables such as Factor vs Temperature, Factor vs Time, Stress vs Strain, Force vs Displacement, and so on.


Entity tabs

Lists all available properties of each entity type for selection.


Selects the entire list of properties, clears the entire list of properties or inverts the selections.

Assign as...

A dropdown list becomes available when there are multiple options for the table assignment.

For example, Assign as... lists multiple options for a Factor vs Temperature table as it can be assigned for a range purposes in a property set including temperature dependent modulus, thermal expansion coefficient, yield strength, etc.

Replace elastic modulus

If set, replaces the linear elastic modulus value in the property set with a value based on the initial gradient of the Stress vs Strain table.

This function is available for Stress vs Strain tables only.

See Also