Results Interpretation: Plate Shear Force and Moment Conventions


Positive moments, , and transverse shear forces, , on the plate element are shown below.

is the moment that produces bending stresses in the x direction (i.e., it produces ). It is not a moment about the x axis.

Similarly, is the moment that produces bending stresses in the y direction. It is not a moment about the y axis.

is the twisting moment. This produces transverse shear stresses and .

Positive and cause tensile stress on the positive z-side of the plate element.

Normal forces and in-plane shear forces follow the same conventions as in-plane stresses. See Results Interpretation: Stress Conventions.

Per Width Quantity

Plate element forces and moments are expressed as forces and moments per width. For example, if is 25.0 kN.m/m and is constant across a plate width of 0.15 m then the total bending moment produced by is 25.0 kN.m × 0.15 m = 3.75 kN.m.

In general cases, plate element forces and moments will not be constant across the entire plate width. As such, integration is required to obtain the total forces and moments.

See Also