SOLVERS: Batch Solver


Manages the queue of solver batch jobs and launches the solver for selected jobs.

Solver jobs must be created before they are displayed here. To create (or queue) a batch job, select the solver and click the Batch icon instead of the Solve icon on the SOLVERS: Solvers Pane.

A job is automatically removed from the queue once the solve has completed. If the solver is stopped during a batch solve, the option to terminate only the current job or the entire list of jobs is given (if there is more than one job left to run). If only the current job is terminated, the batch solver automatically launches the next job in the queue. If all jobs are terminated, the solver simply stops but the remaining queued jobs are not deleted - they may be run or deleted later if required.

Jobs are displayed with the following information:


If set, the job is solved when the batch solver is launched.

Jobs are numbered and solved in the order in which they are queued.


Lists the date and time when the job was created and sent to the batch queue.


Lists the type of solver for the job.

Straus7 File

Lists the name and path of the corresponding results file.

Solver File

Lists the name and path of the batch solver instruction file.


Launches the batch solver.


Removes the highlighted job from the queue and deletes the associated temporary files.


Closes the Batch Solver window without launching the batch solver.

See Also