Beam Attributes: Principal Distributed Moment


Assigns distributed moments about the principal axes to selected beam elements.

The distribution can be constant, linear, triangular or trapezoidal. It may act over the whole or partial length of the beam, around any of the three beam principal axis directions .

A positive distributed moment acts in the right-hand sense around the selected principal axis.

Principal distributed moment attributes are load case dependent.


P1 / P2 / PA / PB

Value of distributed moment at specified points along the beam. The moment is linearly interpolated between these points.

a / b

Distance of points PA and PB from each end, specified as a fraction of the element's length.

Non-dimensional values in the range 0 to 1.

Dir 1 / 2 / 1-2

The principal axes about which the distributed moment acts. See Beam Elements: Local and Principal Axes.

Dir 1-2 defines the load direction at a specified angle in the principal 1-2 plane.


The angle that defines the load direction, measured from the principal 1 if Dir 1-2 is selected.


Swaps the values of a and b, P1 and P2, PA and PB.


Assigns an ID to the attribute.

By using different IDs, multiple moments can be applied to the same element for the same load case.

IDs are positive integers between 1 and 192.

Distribution Type

The distribution type includes constant, linear, triangular and trapezoidal over the whole or partial length of the element.

The appropriate text boxes will be active depending on the moment distribution selected.

Common Controls


Components: Force×Length/Length (e.g., N.m/m,

Relative Distances: Dimensionless.

See Also