Link Attributes: 2-Point Type


Converts selected links to 2-Point type and defines the constraint between the degrees of freedom of the connected nodes.

Attachment and Coupling links cannot be converted to 2-Point links.


Coordinate System (Node 1/Node 2)

Coordinate system (UCS) in which the constrained degrees of freedom are defined. Each node can reference a different UCS.

Factors (Node 1/Node 2)

Coefficients of the selected degree of freedom for each node in the constraint equation.

DoF (Node 1/Node2)

Selected degree of freedom for each node in the constraint equation.


Constant that appears in the constraint equation.

Nonlinear Control Freedom Case

Freedom case used to scale the constant during a load step of a nonlinear analysis, based on the factor applied to the selected freedom case.

Common Controls

See Also