Plate Attributes: Face Normal Pressure


Assigns uniform pressure normal to the surface of selected plate elements.

Different pressure can be applied on the -z and +z surfaces of a plate. Positive pressure acts inwards onto the plate surface. Negative pressure acts outwards away from the plate surface.

The magnitude of the resultant force is equal to pressure × plate surface area.

As the pressure is applied to the outer surfaces of a plate, not to the mid-surface, the area over which it acts depends on the surface, the thickness and the curvature of the plate. The area can also depend on the plate offset attribute, if applied.

In geometric nonlinear analysis, the direction of the pressure will always be normal to the current surface as the plate deflects and deforms.

Pressure attributes are load case dependent.


Pressure -z /+z

Pressure on the corresponding plate surfaces.

Common Controls


Stress (e.g., Pa, psi).

See Also