Base Panel: Delete
Deletes selected entities (elements, links, nodes, geometry faces, paths) and associated attributes (e.g., forces, temperatures, pressures, distributed loads, restraints and so on) from the model.
Delete with options
Opens a dialog with the following options.
Deletes selected entities (elements, links, nodes, geometry, paths) and their attributes from the model.
Attributes only
Deletes only attributes applied to the selected entities, based on the following options:
Current case
Deletes case-dependent attributes such as node forces, face pressures, restraints, etc., from the active load and freedom cases only.
All cases
Deletes case-dependent attributes such as node forces, face pressures, restraints, etc., from all load and freedom cases.
Case independent
Deletes only the case-independent attributes such as node translational mass, plate edge release, string group, in-situ stress, etc.
Removes both case-dependent and case-independent attributes from all load and freedom cases.
Delete free nodes
If set, nodes that are left not connected to any other entities after entity deletion are also removed from the model.
See Also