Tool Options: Copy/Create Tab
Options relevant to copy tools and creation of entities.
Copy New Group
Specify where new groups are inserted into the group tree when copy tools are used.
The Create New Group for Copy option must be set in the Copy tool dialog for this feature to be relevant.
From root
The entire group hierarchy, all the way to the root, is reproduced for the copied groups.
In the following example, a copy of the "Model\1st Floor\Floor Slab\North Side" group produces an identical group hierarchy under the "Model" group.
Sibling only
The new group will have the same parent as the original group, i.e., it becomes a sibling of the source group.
In the following example, a copy of the "Model\1st Floor\Floor Slab\North Side" group produces just a copy of the "North Side" goup as a sibling of the original "North Side" group.
Note that this option is not applicable to source entities in the root group. The root group is not copied and therefore entities in the root group produce copies that remain in the root group.
Auto-create Properties
If set, new element properties are created whenever a new element with an undefined property is inserted into the model.
See Also