Align Tools: Face Normal by Connection


Aligns the orientation of selected geometry faces based on the orientation of a specified master face within a set of selected and interconnected faces.

Starting from a master face within the selected set, the orientation of faces directly connected to the master face is aligned to match the master; those faces then transfer their orientation to their own connected faces, and so on, until all interconnected faces have had their orientation aligned. The alignment considers only the topology (i.e., connectivity) of the selected faces, so it can be used for both 2D and 3D faces.

For the case of a cluster of selected faces with no more than two faces sharing an edge, the tool will successfully align the whole cluster. However, the alignment will fail if edges are shared by more than two faces within the selected cluster; i.e., if there are T-junctions. For geometry faces that include T-junctions, the tool can be applied separately on the different component parts, with each application avoiding the selection of T-junctions.


Master Face

The geometry face number that is the source of the alignment.

The master face must be part of the set of selected faces.

See Also