Results Interpretation: Load Influence Analysis Results


The Load Influence Analysis (.LIA) results describe the influence that a point load or point moment has on a specified response variable. A response variable can be a node displacement, a node rotation, or one of any number of element result quantities such as element force, element moment and element stress. For example, if a beam axial force response variable is assigned, the load influence analysis results establish the effect that a point force or point moment at any node in the model has on this axial force.

The load influence results have units that depend on the response variable; for example, if the response variable is a translational displacement at a node, the corresponding influence results due to forces will have units of displacement/force while the influence results due to moments will have units of displacement/moment. Similarly, a brick stress response variable will produce influence results due to forces with units of stress/force while the influence results due to moments will have units of stress/moment.

The following table summarises what each influence result means and the corresponding result units.


Entity Attribute

Response Variable

Applied Direction

Units for Result DoF 1-3


Units for Result DoF 4-6




Displacement 1-3 Length/Force

Displacement of the response node due to a point force applied to the result location.


Displacement of the response node due to a point moment applied to the result location.



Displacement 4-6 Angle/Force

Rotation of the response node due to a point force applied to the result location.


Rotation of the response node due to a point moment applied to the result location.



Reaction 1-3 Force/Force

Force reaction at the response node due to a point force applied to the result location.


Force reaction at the response node due to a point moment applied to the result location.



Reaction 4-6 Moment/Force

Moment reaction at the response node due to a point force applied to the result location.


Moment reaction at the response node due to a point moment applied to the result location.



Force Shear Forces/Axial Force Force/Force

Shear forces or axial force of the response beam end due to a point force applied to the result location.


Shear forces or axial force of the response beam end due to a point moment applied to the result location.



Moment Bending Moments/Torque Moment/Force

Bending moments or torque of the response beam end due to a point force applied to the result location.


Bending moments or torque of the response beam end due to a point moment applied to the result location.



Force Any (Force/Length)/Force

Membrane forces per length at the centroid of the response plate due to a point force applied to the result location.


Membrane forces per length at the centroid of the response plate due to a point moment applied to the result location.



Moment Any (Moment/Length)/Force

Bending moments per length at the centroid of the response plate due to a point force applied to the result location.


Bending moments per length at the centroid of the response plate due to a point moment applied to the result location.



Stress Any Stress/Force

Stresses at the centroid of the response brick due to a point force applied to the result location.


Stresses at the centroid of the response brick due to a point moment applied to the result location.

See Als