Strand7 Interface: Context Specific Mouse Cursor


Strand7 uses a range of mouse cursors to signify a particular active function. This provides instant feedback about the current mode.

Cursor Function
Default Windows cursor - no specific function.
Dynamic rotation with 2D mouse.
Dynamic zoom with 2D mouse.
Dynamic pan with 2D mouse.
Double-click point for setting rotation origin.
Dynamic displacement scaling with 2D mouse via scroll wheel button.

Explicit VISUAL/View/Pan function with 2D mouse.

Explicit VISUAL/View/Zoom in function (zoom window) with 2D mouse.

Explicit VISUAL/View/Zoom out function (zoom window) with 2D mouse.

Insert element by clicking nodes, vertices or grid points (VISUAL/Insert - Element/Link/Path).

Select by 2D region.

Select by 3D region.

Zoom in / zoom out in print preview mode.

Hot pointer to retrieve data from the model window into dialogs such as the Attribute dialogs. The pointer is active whenever a retrieving edit box on a dialog is highlighted in yellow (after clicking it). It is also available when retrieving via Ctrl+Shift+Click and when the Retrieve icon is clicked on dialogs that provide the icon.

Peeking pointer to extract a node or element result from the model window into the Peek window.

Drag-and-drop to reorder lists.

Drag-and-drop files onto the startup screen or model window.

Help topics.

See Also