Strand7 Interface: Hot Keys


The following is a list of keyboard shortcuts for the most commonly used functions and menu items:

Top Toolbar

Strand7 Menu Alt+7
New File Ctrl+N
Open File Ctrl+O
Save Ctrl+S
Open/Close Results File Ctrl+Alt+O
Open Log File Ctrl+Alt+L
Format Numbers Ctrl+Alt+N
Print Preview Ctrl+P
Help F1
Exit Strand7 Alt+X

Open Previous Main Tab


Open Next Main Tab






Top-right Icons

Compact Menu Options Alt+M  
Centre Size Window Alt+W  
Minimise Windows Key + Down Arrow This is a standard Windows sequence
Maximise Windows Key + Up Arrow This is a standard Windows sequence
Close Alt+F4 This is a standard Windows sequence

Select Toolbar

View Settings Ctrl+Alt+V
Entity Display Settings Ctrl+Alt+E
Attribute Display Settings Ctrl+Alt+T
Results Settings Ctrl+Alt+R

Set Model Defaults


Find Ctrl+F
Copy Graphics Image to Clipboard Ctrl+Alt+F
Show by Type/Property Alt+R
Viewports Alt+V
Undo Ctrl+Z
Undo List Alt+Z
Redo Ctrl+Y
Redo List Alt+Y
Delete Del
Delete with Options Ctrl+D
Toggle Node Select N
Toggle Beam Select B
Toggle Plate Select P
Toggle Brick Select K
Toggle Link Select L
Toggle Vertex Select V
Toggle Geometry Select G
Toggle Path Select T

Activate Node Select Only


Activate Beam Select Only


Activate Plate Select Only


Activate Brick Select Only


Activate Link Select Only


Activate Vertex Select Only


Activate Geometry Select Only


Activate Path Select Only


All Toggles Down D or Shift+D
All Toggles Up U or Shift+U
Clear All Selections Ctrl+Q
Select by 2D Region Alt+2
Select by 3D Region Alt+3
Select All Ctrl+A
Select by Property Ctrl+Alt+P
Select by Group Alt+G
Select by Entity Set Ctrl+Alt+S
Select by Entity Number Alt+N
Select by ID Alt+I
Select Connected Entities Alt+J
Select Free Entities Alt+F
Select Plate Edges Alt+E
Select Plate Faces Alt+L
Select Brick Faces Alt+K

Global Tab

Define UCS Alt+U
Create Entity UCS Ctrl+Alt+U
Property Alt+P
Groups Ctrl+G
Sets Alt+S
Stages Alt+T
Cable Droop Alt+D
Units Ctrl+U
Add selected to last set Alt+H
Remove selected from last set Ctrl+H
Toggle (show/hide) last set H
Add selected to new set Ctrl+Alt+H

Insert Tab

Insert Node Ctrl+W
Insert Element Ctrl+E
Insert Link Ctrl+L
Insert Vertex Ctrl+R
Insert Path Ctrl+T
Insert Multi-element Ctrl+B

Edit Tab

Edit Node Shift+Ctrl+W
Edit Element Shift+Ctrl+E
Edit Link Shift+Ctrl+L
Cut Ctrl+X
Copy Ctrl+C
Paste Ctrl+V

Attributes Tab

Node Shift+Alt+N
Beam Shift+Alt+B
Plate Shift+Alt+P
Brick Shift+Alt+K
LKink Shift+Alt+L
Vertex Shift+Alt+V
Edge Shift+Alt+E
Face Shift+Alt+F
Path Shift+Alt+T
Scale Shift+Alt+S
Formulas Shift+Alt+O

Tools Tab

Surface Automesh Ctrl+M
Solid Automesh Ctrl+Alt+M

Direct Solid Automesh


Subdivide Shift+Ctrl+S
Clean Mesh Ctrl+Alt+C
Clean Geometry Ctrl+Alt+G
Adjust Menu Shift+Ctrl+T
Align Menu Shift+Ctrl+A
Copy Menu Shift+Ctrl+C
Move Menu Shift+Ctrl+M
Extrude Menu Shift+Ctrl+X
Scale Menu Shift+Ctrl+F
Geometry Menu Shift+Ctrl+G
Mesh Menu Shift+Ctrl+H
Merge Menu Shift+Ctrl+R
Convert Menu Shift+Ctrl+O

Clean Menu


Tool Options


Detect Tab

Toggle Detect Beam Ends Ctrl+1
Toggle Detect Beam Junctions Ctrl+2
Toggle Detect Link Ends Ctrl+3
Toggle Detect Plate Edges Ctrl+4
Toggle Detect Plate Junctions Ctrl+5
Toggle Detect Brick Edges Ctrl+6
Toggle Detect Brick Faces Ctrl+7
Toggle Detect Face Edges Ctrl+8
Toggle Detect Face Junctions Ctrl+9

Utility Tab

Import Ctrl+I

View Tab

Quickview Alt+Q




Solve Alt+S
Batch Alt+B
Batch Jobs Alt+J

BROWSE Tab (and standalone browser)

Browse Alt+B
Stop Alt+S
Refresh (the tree view) Alt+R

View and General

Show All Ctrl+Alt+A  
Whiteboard Toggle Ctrl+Alt+W  
Reframe Current View F3  
Reframe All Views F4  
Reset Rotation Origin F5  
Zoom In F6  
Zoom Out F7  
Last View F8  
Multiview F9  
Pan F10  
Scale F11  
View Angles F12  
Zoom Plus +  
Zoom Minus -  
Rotate Left About y Left Arrow Hold Alt for Fine Adjustment
Rotate Right About y Right Arrow Hold Alt for Fine Adjustment
Rotate Out About x Up Arrow Hold Alt for Fine Adjustment
Rotate In About x Down Arrow Hold Alt for Fine Adjustment
Pan Up Ctrl+Up Arrow  
Pan Down Ctrl+Down Arrow  
Pan Left Ctrl+Left Arrow  
Pan Right Ctrl+Right Arrow  
Zoom Out Home Hold Alt for Fine Adjustment
Zoom In End Hold Alt for Fine Adjustment
Rotate Left About z Page Up Hold Alt for Fine Adjustment
Rotate Right About z Page Down Hold Alt for Fine Adjustment
Focus Next St7 Window Ctrl+Tab When more then one ST7 files are open together
Focus Next View M In Multi-View Mode
Focus Previous View Shift+M In Multi-View Mode
Previous Case Shift+Up Arrow Cycles the load/result case dropdown when model window is focused
Next Case Shift+Down Arrow Cycles the load/result case dropdown when model window is focused
Fisrt Case Shift+Home First item in the load/result case dropdown when model window is focused
Last Case Shift+End Last item in the load/result case dropdown when model window is focused

Dynamic View Keystrokes + Mouse

Rotate about model X axis 1 Hold down 1 while left-mouse-dragging up and down
Rotate about model Y axis 2 Hold down 2 while left-mouse-dragging up and down
Rotate about model Z axis 3 Hold down 3 while left-mouse-dragging up and down
Rotate about screen X axis 4 Hold down 4 while left-mouse-dragging up and down
Rotate about screen Y axis 5 Hold down 5 while left-mouse-dragging up and down
Rotate about screen Z axis 6 Hold down 6 while left-mouse-dragging left-right or up-down or in circular motion

String Grids

Copy Ctrl+C
Copy+Fixed Cells Shift+Ctrl+C
Paste Ctrl+V
Paste as New Shift+Ctrl+V
Select All Ctrl+A
Find Ctrl+F
Replace Ctrl+R
Find Again F3
Auto-size Columns Ctrl+W
Equi-size Columns Ctrl+E

See Also