Strand7 Interface: Startup Screen


Upon launching Strand7, the startup screen is shown.

The following icons are available on the startup screen:

If Strand7 is launched by double-clicking a Strand7 model file (i.e., a file with extension .ST7), the startup screen is not shown; instead the model window opens.

Drag-and-drop Models, Results and Other Files

You can conveniently drag-and-drop multiple Strand7 model files (.ST7) and optionally the accompanying result files (e.g., .LSA) directly onto the startup screen to open them. You can also open more models by simply dragging and dropping the .ST7 files onto the open model windows. You can also drag-and-drop other file types, such as CAD files, and these will be prepared for import without the need to go through the menus.

The startup screen is not visible once a model window is open, but reappears when all model windows are closed.

See Also