SOLVERS: Load (Linear Transient Dynamic)


Selects the load and freedom cases to include in the Linear Transient Dynamic solver, and assigns Factor vs Time tables to each load and freedom case. All included cases are combined and act simultaneously.

If a case is excluded (i.e., not checked), it makes no contribution to the solution.

If a case is included (i.e, checked), its contribution depends on the Factor vs Time table assigned to it. If no tables are assigned to an included case, its unscaled loads are always added to the solution.

Factor vs Time Table and Add Time Steps

This applies to both load cases and freedom cases.

The factor at a particular time step for an included case is determined from the vs time table. If a table is not specified (i.e., <None> is selected), a factor of 1.0 is used. If a table is specified, the factor is calculated by interpolating the table data at each time step of the analysis. If the time instance at any time step is outside the range of the table, the factor is set to zero.

When applied to freedom cases, the factor scales the enforced displacement values at nodes. If restraints at nodes are all zero values (i.e., only fixed restraints are included), the factor has no effect.

If a Factor vs Time table is selected and Add Time Steps is set, additional time steps may be inserted automatically by the solver. These additional time steps correspond to data points (time values) in the Factor vs Time table that occur within the solution time range specified for the analysis (SOLVERS: Time Steps). Furthermore, if Save table-inserted steps is set (SOLVERS: Time Steps), those additional time steps are saved to the result file.

See Also