Solvers Background: Spectral Response


The Spectral Response solver calculates the response of a structure subjected to a random dynamic loading for which a frequency response function is available (Response Spectrum analysis). It also calculates the response of a structure subjected to a random dynamic loading described in the form of a PSD (Power Spectral Density) function.

Random Dynamic Loading

Types of Random Dynamic Loading

In spectral response analysis, two types of random dynamic loads can be applied: earthquake (seismic) base excitation, and general dynamic load.


The Spectral Response solver is based on the mode superposition method and executes the following steps:

  1. Calculates and assembles the element mass matrix if base excitation loading is applied, otherwise calculates and assembles the element load and nodal load vectors.
  2. Calculates the modal excitation factors for each vibration mode. Vibration mode vectors from the natural frequency analysis are used. For seismic loading, mode participation factors and mass participation ratios are calculated.
  3. Determines the spectral values for all modes from the assigned spectral table by using the corresponding frequency value.
  4. Calculates the modal displacement magnitudes.
  5. Calculates modal element stresses and strains, nodal reactions, etc.
  6. Calculates maximum responses using the CQC (Complete Quadratic Combination) and/or the SRSS (Square Root of the Sum of the Squares) methods.


See Also