Special Topics: Temperature Dependence


Material properties including modulus of elasticity, thermal expansion coefficient, etc., can vary as a function of temperature by associating them with Factor vs Temperature tables in Common Properties: Tables. The temperature profile that is used to evaluate temperature dependent material properties can be described by a single load case or by combining temperature profiles from all active load cases.

For an analysis based on initial solutions or the mode superposition technique, the temperature case is implicitly defined by the initial solution and will be automatically applied.

The first group of analyses includes linear buckling and natural frequency with initial conditions. If the temperature case has been selected in the previous analysis, it cannot be changed for the present analysis.

The second group of analyses includes harmonic response, spectral response and linear transient dynamic (mode superposition) where the temperature case has been implicitly selected in the natural frequency analysis.

The following table summarises the options to include temperature dependence in different solver.

Solvers Material Temperature Dependence
Linear Static Case selectable.
Linear Buckling Depends on the case used in the Initial Conditions solution.
Load Influence Case selectable.
Nonlinear Static Combined case.
Quasi-static Combined case or results in a transient heat analysis file.
Natural Frequency Case selectable if no Initial Conditions are used, otherwise, the case used in the Initial Conditions solution.
Harmonic Response Depends on case used in the Natural Frequency solution.
Spectral Response Depends on case used in the Natural Frequency solution.
Linear Transient Dynamic - Mode Superposition Depends on case used in the Natural Frequency solution.
Linear Transient Dynamic - Full System Case selectable.
Nonlinear Transient Dynamic Combined case or results in a transient heat analysis file.
Steady Heat Included if Nonlinear Analysis is set.
Transient Heat Included if Nonlinear Analysis is set.

See Also