Common Properties: Tables


Links to previously-defined tables that scale different properties with temperature or time.


Modulus/Stiffness vs Temperature

Factor vs Temperature table to scale the modulus or stiffness of the property with temperature.

Yield vs Temperature

Factor vs Temperature table to scale the yield stress of the property with temperature.

Thermal Expansion vs Temperature

Factor vs Temperature table to scale the thermal expansion coefficient with temperature.


The values in the Factor vs Temperature table multiply the Thermal Expansion coefficient assigned for the material to define the variation of thermal expansion coefficient with temperature. This variation can be interpreted as either mean or instantaneous thermal expansion coefficients, depending on the selected option. For mean thermal expansion coefficients, the first point in the Factor vs Temperature table is assumed to be the reference temperature used to define the table variation. This allows the same table to be used even when the model reference temperature (see REFERENCE/INITIAL TEMPERATURE) is not the same as the table reference temperature, as long as model reference temperature is greater than table reference temperature.

See Special Topics: How Solvers Use Tables.

Conductivity vs Temperature

Factor vs Temperature table to scale the conductivity of the property with temperature.

Specific Heat vs Temperature

Factor vs Temperature table to scales the specific heat of the property with temperature.

Modulus/Stiffness vs Time

Factor vs Time table to scale the modulus or stiffness of the property with time.

Conductivity vs Time

Factor vs Time table to scale the modulus or stiffness of the property with time.

See Also