Edge Attributes: Edge Beam


Assigns the edge beam property type attribute to selected geometry edges.

If assigned, automeshing will produce a series of overlaying beam elements along the edge. These beam elements will be compatible with the generated plate mesh, and will be connected between adjacent nodes along the edge. The attribute is typically used to automatically generate stiffeners, modelled with beam elements, on panels modelled with shell elements.

Edge beam attributes are independent of load and freedom cases.


Beam Type and Available Beam Properties

The property type number as an integer.

The dropdown list shows the beam property numbers that currently exist. It allows for quick selection of an existing property and is synchronised with the updown control. The updown control allows for the input of any number, even if the property does not yet exist. Selecting an item from the dropdown list automatically sets that number in the updown control; conversely, changing the updown control automatically sets the dropdown list. If a property number entered in the updown control does not yet exist, the dropdown list is cleared.

If a real number is entered, the property number is rounded to the nearest integer.

Negative numbers are set to zero.

Common Controls

See Also