Properties: Reorder/Renumber/Rename Properties


Using a single grid view, properties of the active element type can be renumbered, renamed and reordered, and property colours can be edited.

The active element type corresponds to the currently open element tab on the Properties dialog.


Property Grid

The grid lists all available properties for the active element type.   Each row corresponds to one property.


Replaces the New ID column with a sequence of numbers starting at 1 on the first row and increasing sequentially downward to the last row. It is a quick way to renumber all the properties sequentially while keeping them in the current grid order.


Replaces the New ID column with a sequence of numbers starting at 1 on the last row and increasing sequentially upward to the first row. It is a quick way to renumber all the properties sequentially while keeping them in the reverse current grid order.

Sorting the grid

The data in the grid may be sorted on any column by clicking the header above the first row of data. Click again to invert the order.

For example, if reordering beam properties, click the Type column and all beams of the same type will be grouped together. The set of properties can then be assigned sequential numbers by using the Ascending / Descending functions. Press OK to permanently make the change.

Reordering properties does not affect the model data because the element property IDs are also updated to keep the element-property relationship the same as it was before reordering.

See Also