Selection Functions: Select by Group


Selects all currently visible and selectable entities according to their assigned groups. Groups may be assigned to entities via Global: Groups.

The dialog displays the model's group tree. Individual groups and/or their child groups may be included for selection by clicking the group name or by clicking an entity on the model window to retrieve its group name. Each click of an entity toggles the selection state of the group name on the group tree.

Select entity

If set, selects the elements and faces of the specified groups.

Select node/vertex on entity

If set, selects the nodes and/or vertices on the elements and/or faces of the specified groups.

Right Click Menu

The menu can be activated by right clicking anywhere in the group tree. In addition to functions described above, the menu has the following additional functions.

Toggle All

Inverts the select state of all groups on the group tree.

Toggle Selected and Children

Inverts the select state of not only the highlighted group but also its child groups.

Toggle Selected Only

Inverts the select state of the highlighted group only. Note that this can also be achieved by Ctrl+Click of an item in the group tree.

Clear All

Unselects all groups from the group tree.

Select All

Selects all groups on the group tree to mark them as selection candidates.

Select groups by name

Opens a search dialog similar to Global: Show/Hide Groups by Name to select or unselect groups that can be identified by name from the group tree.

See Also