View Log File: Log File Viewer


The Log File Viewer is a text-based viewer for viewing a log file generated by Straus7 during importing, automeshing or solving.

Contents of log files can be selectively displayed, searched and printed.

You can conveniently drag-and-drop multiple result log files (i.e., files with extension .LSL, NFL, etc.) onto a log file viewer to open them in separate log file viewers.



Sends the file to the printer.

Copy to clipboard (Ctrl+C)

Copies the highlighted text to the Windows clipboard.

Find (Ctrl + F) / Find Next (F3)

Opens the Find dialog enabling the searching of text.

The Previous and Next buttons can be used to find prior or subsequent matches of a string in the file.

Show / hide data

This option is available when viewing solver generated log files. It opens the Data options dialog for selection of data to show or hide.


Show/hide data menu

Show/hide convergence graph

If set, displays a graph of the nonlinear convergence history.

This function is available in the Nonlinear Static, Nonlinear Transient Dynamic, Quasi-static and Nonlinear Steady Heat solver log files.

See SOLVERS: Solver Window.

Reload file

The function reloads the current log file. It is useful when viewing the log file of a solver run that is still in progress and therefore may still be changing.

See Also