Preferences: Folder Locations
Select Location

Displays the Select Path dialog, which allows you to navigate to and name a location.
Right-click to go to the location in the file explorer. See Straus7 Interface: Right-click Functions.
Scratch files (Free space = xxxx)
During any Straus7 session, various data is stored in temporary disk files. Straus7normally deletes these files at the end of the session. The path defaults to the Tmp sub-folder within the Straus7 folder of your profile. To improve performance (and to allow large models to solve) you should provide the path of your fastest (and largest) drive. Do not use a network path here, as it will impact the performance of Straus7. The free space of the current scratch path is also shown. Click the folder icon to change the scratch file path.
Clean scratch folder contents

Deletes old scratch files in the scratch folder.
If Straus7 or your system crashes while Straus7 is running, you may be left with a number of undeleted scratch files in your Scratch File Folder. As long as Straus7 is not running, you may delete from the scratch directory any files with names starting with ~ (tilde) (e.g., ~st1.x001, ~tmp12.tmp). These are temporary files that can no longer be used. You can delete these manually, or alternatively, a safer way is to use the Clean scratch folder contents function here.
Property libraries
All the library files, including material (.MAT), beam section (.BSL), beam geometry (.BGL), composites (.CML), moving load (.MLT) and creep (.CRL) libraries are normally stored in the Data sub-folder of the Straus7 folder. This location may be changed here by clicking the folder icon.
Display options
All screen, entity and attribute settings are stored in the configuration file (.CFG3) so that each new model will utilise those defaults. This is done by clicking Save as User Defaults in the appropriate dialog. You can store, background colour, drawing mode of elements and attributes, and many other general settings you may like to set as defaults. Multiple configuration files can be created and you can select a different configuration file for each Straus7 user. Click the folder icon to select the active configuration file.
Colour map

A list of up to 2048 colours to be used as the default colours for new properties and groups may be provided. For example, if you create a new beam property of type 1, that property will be initialised with the colour corresponding to Number 1 in the colour map. See Straus7 Interface: Spreadsheet.
See Also