Straus7 Interface: Right-click Functions


Right-clicking areas in dialogs, toolbars, spreadsheets, etc., brings up additional functions in a popup menu.

Right-clicking Title Bar in Model Windows

Right-clicking the model window title bar (see Straus7 Interface: Straus7 Layout) and The BROWSE Tab title bar reveals a function to open in file explorer, the folder where the model file is located.

Full path and file name can also be copied into the Windows clipboard for pasting.

Right-clicking Results and Results Log Files Lists

Right-clicking the results files or results log files lists on the Files View dialog (see Straus7 Menu: Results Open/Close and Straus7 Menu: View Log File) reveals a function to open in file explorer the folder where the results file or results log file is located.

Right-clicking Entity Select Icons

Right-clicking the beam, plate, brick, link and face select icons on the Selection Panel: Selection Entities and Mode provides the following functions:

Right-clicking Multiview Icon

Right-clicking the View: Multiview icon provides some pre-set options of common multiview divisions.

Right-clicking Close Results File Icon

Right-clicking the Straus7 Menu: Results Open/Close icon when the results file is open shows:

Right-clicking Results Settings Icon

Right-clicking Results: Element Results Settings icon produces quick links to one of the following:

Right-clicking Folder Open Icons

Right-clicking the folder open icons in pages such as the SOLVERS: Files and the Preferences: Folder Locations reveals a function to open in file explorer the specified folder or where the relevant file is located.

Right-clicking Grids

Some right-click functions are exclusive to specific spreadsheets and are described in their relevant pages, for example The LISTINGS Tab.

Right-clicking Dropdown Lists

Right-clicking a dropdown list, such as VISUAL: Cases, provides the following functions:

Right-clicking Edit Boxes

Right-clicking edit boxes where numerical values are entered produces the following functions:

Right-clicking Checklists

Right-clicking checklists provides the following functions:

Right-clicking Group Trees

Right-clicking a group tree in SOLVERS: Filtering provides the standard group tree functions. See Global: Stages.

Right-clicking DoF Lists

Right-clicking the Degrees of Freedom(DoF) area of dialogs such as Link Attributes: Master-Slave Type provides quick-set functions to include or exclude all DoF.

See Also