SOLVERS: Load (Linear Static and Load Influence)
Selects load and freedom case pairs to be solved for by the Linear Static and Load Influence solvers.
Each check mark in the grid represents an individual result case that will be available in the results file.
If multiple freedom cases are selected, successive solver runs are initiated, one for each freedom case. Every freedom case requires a separate solver run to assemble and factorise the global stiffness matrix with the respective restraints specified in each freedom case.
If cable elements are used, an option is available in SOLVERS Home: Case Dependence to re-assemble the model's stiffness matrix for every load case as well (i.e., for every check mark in the grid).
Load cases are not combined at this stage. See CASES: Combination Cases for additional information regarding linear load case combinations for the Linear Static solver.
Load case combinations are not available for the Load Influence solver.
Column Selections

Selects, clears, inverts the entire highlighted column.
Grid Selections

Selects all cases, clears all cases in the grid.
Select diagonal load/freedom case pairs

Selects only the diagonal cells in the grid; i.e., load case 1 with freedom case 1, load case 2 with freedom case 2, and so on.
Solver generates combinations file
If set and linear load case combinations are defined (CASES: Combination Cases), the solver produces the linear static combination file (.LSC) as part of the linear static solve; this avoids having to generate the combinations when opening the results file for post-processing.
See Also