Special Topics: BXS Generator



The BXS Generator calculates section properties and generates beam cross section geometry from a plate mesh that represents the cross section shape.

Section Properties Calculated

Quantity Units Notes
Centroid Xc, Yc


Centre of mass for the homogeneous cross section. The local x-y coordinates where the principal 1 and 2 axes intersect mark the position of the centroid. The x-y coordinates are measured from the global origin of the source plate model, indicated by the global X-Y axes (if within the drawing range).


Area of the cross section.
Moments of area IXX, IYY, Ixx, Iyy, I11, I22


The second moments of area about an axis for the three axis systems: local, global, principal.

For example, the second moment of area about the local x axis can be expressed as:

where is the distance perpendicular to the local x axis measured from the centroid to an incremental area .

Product moments of area IXY, Ixy. By definition, I12=0.


The cross moment of area.

where and are the distances in the local x and y axes, respectively, from the centroid to an incremental area .

Principal axis angle


The counter-clockwise angle from the local x axis to the principal 1 axis.
Section moduli Z11, Z22, Zxx, Zyy +/-


The elastic section modulus about an axis using the perpendicular distance measured from the centroid to the extreme fibres in either the positive or negative directions. For example, the section modulus about the local x axis can be expressed as:

where is the distance perpendicular to local x axis measured from the centroid to the extreme fibre in the positive y axis.

Plastic moduli S11, S22, Sxx, Syy


The plastic section modulus about an axis. For example, the plastic modulus about the local x axis can be expressed as:

where and are the y distances from the plastic modulus neutral axis to the centroid of areas above and below the axis, respectively. As the section material is assumed to be homogeneous, areas above and below the axis are equal. The neutral axis for the plastic moduli is not necessarily positioned at the centroid of section.

Plastic modulus centroid offset PC1, PC2, PCx, PCy


The position of the plastic modulus neutral axis measured from the centroid of the cross section such that areas above and below the axis are equal. For example, PCy is the y axis position of the plastic modulus neutral axis from which plastic modulus Sxx is calculated.
Radius of gyration r1, r2, rx, ry


The area radius of gyration about an axis. For example, the radius of gyration about the local x axis can be expressed as:

where is the second moment of area about the local x axis and is the total area of the cross section.

Shear areas SA1, SA2


Area of the section which is effective in resisting shear deformation in the principal 1 and 2 directions. The shear area in each direction is defined as:

where and are the shear stresses in local x and y axes, respectively, due to a unit shear force applied in the specified direction.

Shear centre offset SL1, SL2


Position of the shear centre measured from the centroid in the principal 1 and 2 directions; shear forces can be applied through the shear centre induce no torsion. The symbol indicates the position of the shear centre.
Radius Area Integral rdA


where is the distance from the centroid to an incremental area .

Torsion Constant J


A term to describe the torsional stiffness of the cross section.
Warping Constant Iw


A term to described a section's susceptibility to warping.

Torsion Constant J, Shear Centre, Shear Areas and Warping Constant

The Torsion Constant, J, is calculated by solving Poisson's equation for torsion of arbitrary sections. The section may include holes and can be open or closed.

The Shear Centre and Warping Constant are calculated by solving different forms of Poisson's equation using the same background finite element mesh as for the torsion constant.

The analyses produce shear stress coefficients over the section, from which the relevant section constants are calculated by integration. For example,

To produce accurate torsion constants, shear centres, shear areas and warping constants, the cross section mesh should consist of well formed regular elements with aspect ratios close to 1.0. The mesh does not need to be excessively refined because Straus7 automatically refines it before solving.

See Also