Solvers Overview: Linear Static


A linear static analysis assumes that the loading is static and the structural response is linear:

Because of these assumptions, solutions can be obtained relatively quickly.

In addition, the principle of superposition applies, which means that independent loading conditions can be analysed separately and their results subsequently combined to calculate the results of the loads acting concurrently.


The Linear Static solver executes the following steps:

  1. Calculates and assembles element stiffness matrices, equivalent element force vectors and external nodal force vectors. In the stiffness calculation, material temperature dependency is considered through the user nominated temperature case (see SOLVERS Home: Case Dependence). Either consistent or lumped element equivalent load vectors can be calculated according to the option setting (see SOLVERS Parameters: ELEMENTS). Constraints and links are also assembled in this process.

    At the end of this assembly procedure, the following linear system of equilibrium equations is formed:


    = global stiffness matrix,

    = unknown nodal displacement vector(s), and

    = global nodal load vector(s).

  2. For inertia relief analysis, calculates the translational and rotational accelerations to produce inertia forces that balance the applied load on the structure, assuming a rigid body. These inertia forces are added to the global nodal load vector(s) . See Special Topics: Inertia Relief Analysis.
  3. Solves the equations of equilibrium for the unknown nodal displacements, .
  4. Calculates element reactions, strains, stresses, stress resultants, strain energy densities, etc., as requested.


See Also