Special Topics: Table Types


Straus7 uses tables extensively to provide a consistent manner for managing tabular information used for defining nonlinear behaviour or time histories, or for scaling one quantity as a function of another.

Tables are defined in LAYOUTS: Tables and are subsequently associated with some other data in a Straus7 model based on their intended purpose.

The table below lists all the available tables and summarises their intended purpose. Some tables have multiple purposes.

Table Type x Axis y Axis Purpose
Factor vs Temperature Temperature Factor
  • To scale material property data including modulus, yield, thermal expansion, conductivity, specific heat.
  • To scale certain creep data.
  • To scale attributes including heat source, convection coefficient, radiation coefficient.
Factor vs Time Time Factor
  • To scale material property data including modulus, conductivity.
  • To scale certain creep data.
  • To scale load cases, freedom cases and load path loads in the Quasi-static, Linear Transient Dynamic and Nonlinear Transient Dynamic solvers.
  • To scale attributes including heat source, convection coefficient, radiation coefficient.
Factor vs Frequency/Period Frequency or Period


Displacement Response

Velocity Response

Acceleration Response

Displacement PSD

Velocity PSD

Acceleration PSD

  • To scale load and base excitation in the Harmonic Response and Spectral Response solvers.
Factor vs Position Position Factor
  • To scale applied load in the Quasi-static and Nonlinear Transient Dynamic solvers.
  • To evaluate position dependent values in the equation editor.
Factor vs Velocity Velocity Factor
  • To scale applied load in the Nonlinear Transient Dynamic solver.
Displacement vs Time Time Displacement
  • To define base excitation for the Linear Transient Dynamic and Nonlinear Transient Dynamic solvers.
  • To define the position offset in the Quasi-static and Nonlinear Transient dynamic solvers.
Velocity vs Time Time Velocity
  • To define base excitation for the Linear Transient Dynamic and Nonlinear Transient Dynamic solvers.
  • To define the relative velocity in the Nonlinear Transient Dynamic solvers.
Acceleration vs Time Time Acceleration
  • To define base excitation for the Linear Transient Dynamic and Nonlinear Transient Dynamic solvers.
Strain vs Time Time Strain
  • To define used-defined creep data.
Temperature vs Time Time Temperature
  • To define node temperature time history.
  • To define convection and radiation ambient temperature time history.
Stress vs Strain Strain Stress
  • To define stress-strain relationships for nonlinear materials.
  • To calculate rubber material coefficients from stress-strain relationships.
Force vs Displacement Displacement Force
  • To define nonlinear material behaviour of spring and connection beam elements.
  • To define rubber material coefficients from force-displacement relationships.
Force vs Velocity Velocity Force
  • To define nonlinear material behaviour of damper beam elements.
Moment vs Curvature Curvature Moment
  • To define nonlinear moment-curvature relationships for beam elements.
Moment vs Rotation Rotation Moment
  • To define nonlinear moment-rotation relationships for spring-damper and connection beam elements.

See Also