Edge Attributes: Type
Assigns the edge type attribute to selected geometry edges.
The edge type attribute determines how certain vertex attributes (restraint and temperature) are interpolated to nodes generated along the edge during automeshing.
Edge type attributes are independent of load and freedom cases.
Edge Type
Interpolated attributes
This is the default edge type. If set, vertex restraint and temperature attributes are interpolated along the edge by automeshing.
For example, if two vertices of an interpolated edge have the same vertex restraint (or temperature) attribute, all nodes created on the edge by automeshing will be assigned a restraint (or temperature) that is interpolated between the two vertex values based on the position of the node along the edge.
Furthermore, if all vertices of a geometry face have the same vertex restraint (or temperature) attribute, the attribute is assigned to all nodes created on the face by automeshing.
Non-Interpolated attributes
No interpolation is performed along the geometry edge. Nodes generated along the edge will not inherit adjacent vertex attributes.
Non-interpolated edges may have their own display colour, which can be adjusted in Entity Display Settings: Geometry Display.
Common Controls
See Also