Entity Display Settings: Geometry Display
Configures the parameters associated with the display of geometry faces.
Does not draw the fill/outline of the geometry faces.
Renders the fill area of geometry faces with wireframes in the selected Fill Colour.
Renders the fill area of geometry faces with solid colours in the selected Fill Colour.
Fill Colour / Outline
The fill and outline colours of the geometry faces drawn.
Hides the outline.
Renders the fill area or draws the outline of geometry faces according to their respective plate property colours, as set under Global: Properties.
Renders the fill area or draws the outline of geometry faces according to their respective group colours, as set under Global: Groups.
Face Number
Renders the fill area or draws the outline of geometry faces according to their respective face number (i.e., one unique colour for each geometry face).
ID Number
Renders the fill area of draws the outline of geometry faces according to their respective ID number, as applied using Face Attributes: ID.
Renders the fill area or draws the outline of geometry faces with a specified colour, regardless of their respective properties or groups.
To change colour, click the adjacent colour square to open Colour Selection dialog, then select or define a colour.
Renders the fill area at the +z and -z surfaces of geometry faces with +z and -z colours respectively.
To change colour, click the adjacent colour square to open the Colour Selection dialog, then select or define a colour.
Wire Thickness
If Wireframe is set under Fill, defines the weights of the wireframe lines.
Wire Density
If Wireframe is set under Fill, defines the nominal number of wires used to represent each face. The actual number of wires drawn on a particular face depend on the size of the face with respect to the bounding box of all faces.
If set, lighting effects defined under View Options: Drawing Tab are applied to the fill area or outline of geometry faces.
The weights of the drawing outlines.
Displays number labels of selected type next to the geometry faces.
Face Font...
Opens the Settings: Font Selection dialog to adjust the font type, size, style and colour of the displayed labels.
Show Non-Interpolated Edges
If set, edges that have their edge type set to non-interpolated will be drawn with the Non-Interpolated Edge colour ignoring the Outline colour setting.
Show Control Points
If set, displays the control point polygon of the underlying surface for faces with B-spline surface definitions.
The u Lines and v Lines colours denote the u and v parametric directions of the surface, respectively. The control points cannot be edited. Note that surface offsets can make a face appear separated from its associated control point polygon.
To change colour, click the adjacent colour square to open the Color Definition dialog, then select or define a colour.
Show Normals
If set, draws the direction of the positive face normal.
To change colour, click the adjacent colour square to open the Colour Definition dialog, then select or define a colour.
Normals Size
Sets the relative size of the normals vector.
Common Controls
See Also