Common Properties: Nonlinear


Nonlinear material properties commonly found in beam, plate and brick property sets.


Temperature / Time

In nonlinear analysis, the modulus (or stiffness) can be temperature and/or time dependent, by associating the modulus (or stiffness) with a Factor vs Temperature and/or a Factor vs Time table. This option specifies how changes in stiffness due to these tables affect the response.


Specifies the type of material nonlinearity represented by an associated stress-strain table.

Yield Criterion

Specifies the criterion that defines the onset of yield for the material, or the effective stress to be used in a multi-dimensional stress state when referencing the table. See Material Nonlinearity: Yield Criteria.


Specifies the hardening rule for Elastic-Plastic materials. Hardening rules govern the behaviour of the material when it is strained beyond the yield point. A hardening material will develop both additional elastic strains and additional plastic strains, whereas a non-hardening material can only develop additional plastic strains. During the initial unloading, both material types unload elastically (i.e., elastic strains are reduced without changes to plastic strains). For further details see Material Nonlinearity: Hardening Laws.

Stress vs Strain Table

Stress vs Strain table used in material nonlinear analysis.

The elastic modulus entered in the Property dialog is ignored when a stress vs strain table is specified in material nonlinear analysis. The elastic modulus used is calculated as the gradient in the stress-strain table passing through the origin.

See Materials: Nonlinearity.


Cohesion used to define the Mohr-Coulomb and Drucker-Prager yield surfaces.

Units are Pressure (e.g., MPa, psi).

Friction Angle

Friction angle used to define the Mohr-Coulomb and Drucker-Prager yield surfaces.

Units are Degrees.

Creep Data

Creep data used in creep analysis.

See Also