Insert Multi-element: Beams on Element Edges


Inserts beam elements on edges of selected plate and brick elements.


Beam Property Type

The property type number of the inserted beam elements.

The dropdown list shows the property numbers that currently exist for beam elements. It allows for quick selection of an existing property and is synchronised with the updown control. The updown control allows for the input of any number, even if the property does not yet exist. Selecting an item from the dropdown list automatically sets that number in the updown control; conversely, changing the updown control automatically sets the dropdown list. If a property number entered in the updown control does not yet exist, the dropdown list is cleared.

Apply to...

A beam element is inserted at a plate or brick edge when the edge satisfies any of the following set conditions. Only one beam is inserted, even if the edge satisfies more than one condition.

Free edges defined by

Criteria used to determine when an edge is free.

Quadratic Elements

Specifies type and number of beam elements inserted on edges of quadratic elements (such as Quad8 and Hexa20).

Keep Selection

If set, entities remain selected after executing the insert function. Additional functions may then be applied without the need to reselect the entities. If not set, selected entities will be unselected after the function is executed.

See Also