Creep: Concrete Creep and Shrinkage - Viscoelastic Chain


Defines creep data parameters via the direct entry of either a Concrete Creep: Generalised Kelvin Chain or Concrete Creep: Generalised Maxwell Chain to specify time dependent material behaviour.

Toolbar Functions

See LAYOUTS: Creep.

Creep Tab

A stiffness value and a retardation value (for Kelvin chains) or relaxation value (for Maxwell chain) needs to be entered for the desired number of units in the viscoelastic chain. A maximum of ten units may be defined. The stiffness of each unit of the viscoelastic chain may be assigned its own Factor vs Time Table or Factor vs Temperature Table.

Chain Type

Specifies the type of viscoelastic chain to be used. Two types of chain are available:

Age at Loading

Specifies the age of the concrete at the beginning of the analysis.

Shrinkage Tab

The Shrinkage tab specifies the concrete shrinkage properties.

See Concrete Creep and Shrinkage: Shrinkage.

Temperature Effects Tab

The Temperature tab specifies properties that account for temperature effects on the creep and shrinkage of concrete.

See Concrete Creep and Shrinkage - Temperature Effects.

See Also