Creep: Generalised Blackburn Creep


Defines creep data parameters according to the generalised Blackburn creep law.

The generalised Blackburn creep law offers an expression that provides a finite initial creep strain rate that decays slowly with time.

Toolbar Functions

See LAYOUTS: Creep.


C1 is a creep strain coefficient.

C2 is a creep stress coefficient.

C3 is a creep coefficient.

C4 is a creep stress coefficient.

C5 is a creep stress index.

C6 is a creep coefficient.

C7 is a creep stress coefficient.


Time Unit (t)

The unit of time in which the coefficients are specified.


The creep hardening rule determines whether the creep strain rate is a function of the elapsed time or the amount of creep strain.

See Metal Creep: Hardening.


Not applicable to this creep law.

See Also