Creep: Theta Projection Creep


Defines creep data parameters according to the theta projection creep law.

The theta-projection concept provides an alternative approach for describing the uniaxial creep response that implies any secondary region is simply an inflection on the curve where the strain hardening (primary) effects are balanced by strain softening (tertiary) processes.

Toolbar Functions

See LAYOUTS: Creep.


Ai are material constants.

Bi are material constants.

Ci are material constants.

Di are material constants.

i = 1, ... , 4


Time Unit (t)

The unit of time in which the coefficients are specified.


The creep hardening rule determines whether the creep strain rate is a function of the elapsed time or the amount of creep strain.

See Metal Creep: Hardening.


Not applicable to this creep law.

See Also