SOLVERS: Load (Harmonic Response)


Specifies load factors, phase angles and frequencies for the Harmonic Response solver. The Load tab only becomes available if Applied Load is selected under Load Type.

The amplitudes of the harmonic applied loads of each load case are the product of the load factor and the applied loads. Load factors can be positive, negative or zero.

Phase angles define the phase relationship between different load cases in an analysis with multiple load cases. The angles are relative between the included cases and can be defined with reference to any angle. A typical use of the phase angle is for modelling a rotating load; this can be defined as two load cases with forces at 90 degrees to each other and phase angles of 0 and 90 degrees, respectively.

vs Frequency

Each load case may be assigned a Factor vs Frequency table. This allows the load to be scaled as a function of excitation frequency. All load cases are combined and act simultaneously.

vs Time

Each load case can be assigned a fixed frequency. Separate Harmonic Response solver runs are required to consider different load frequencies. Load cases act independently and each load case produces a separate results case containing response magnitudes and corresponding response phase angles. Loads can be combined using CASES: Harmonic Time and Results: Harmonic Time History.

See Also