SUMMARY: Property Summary


Displays a summary of beam, plate, brick and ply property data in a grid.

Property data can be edited directly in the grid by unlocking the data. This facilitates bulk editing of multiple properties and complements the single property view available in the element property dialog in the VISUAL tab (Global: Properties) and LAYOUTS: Plies for ply properties.

Property Data

Selected property data is displayed in the grid situated on the right of the window. At the top of the grid, entity tabs are presented for beam, plate, brick and ply properties defined in the model. Within each entity tab, one or more sub-tabs are used for the various quantities available in the respective property types. For example, brick property data will include sub-tabs for isotropic bricks, orthotropic bricks, tables, and so on. Sub-tabs are shown only when the relevant data exists.

To sort on a column, click the column heading. Click the column heading again to sort in reverse order.

The print function enables formatting, previewing and printing of the grid contents.


The column headers contained in the grid are listed in the columns tab located at the top left of the window. The list enables individual columns of the grid to be shown or hidden.


The quantities tab located at the bottom left corner of the window contains a list offers another way to switch between the sub-tabs for the current property data.

Toolbar Functions

Display options

Lock / unlock property data

Property data in the grid can be edited after unlocking it. The lock icon indicates the locked/unlocked state of the data.

Not all property data can be edited. Data that cannot be edited is indicated by a grey background in the grid cells.

Editing Beam Standard Sections

Beam standard section dimensions can also be edited here. However, since the calculation of updated section properties due to changes in section dimension is not instantaneous, section properties are not updated as the dimensions are being edited. Instead, all the section properties for sections that have been modified are updated once the data is set back to locked, or when leaving the SUMMARY/Property tab. If invalid section data is found, Strand7 identifies the invalid rows and gives the option to either correct them, or to revert back to their previous values.

The invalid rows are highlighted.

See Also