Special Topics: Moving Load Analysis


The Moving Load module allows detailed specification and analysis of loads moving along prescribed paths. The Insert: Path and LAYOUTS: Paths, combined with the SOLVERS: Load Influence Settings or one of the time-dependent solvers, provides a simple but highly effective means of performing moving load analysis.

Load Paths

A Load Path is created in a similar way to an element. Load Paths can be selected independently of the entities that they overlay. They are Load Case dependent, and can also be grouped, copied, moved and scaled just like elements.

Load Path attributes such as the Path Attributes: Template Type, Path Attributes: Group, Path Attributes: Apply Load To and Path Attributes: Divisions can be modified after creating the Load Path.

A Load Path can be created over any element type (beam, plate and brick). The path can be straight, circular or parabolic, and either flat or curved.

The Load Path is independent of the mesh density. This means that if the Load Path only partially lies on an element, the proportional amount of load is transferred to that element. Importantly, it also means that changes to the mesh do not require a redefinition of the Load Path.

See Insert: Path.

Path Templates

Path templates are associated with one or more load paths (see LAYOUTS: Paths). Path templates can accommodate moving load codes AS5100, BS5400, EN 1991 and AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, as well as user-defined load and axle spacing configurations. The following points highlight the main features of the path template:

See LAYOUTS: Paths.

Factor vs Time Tables

In SOLVERS: Quasi-static Settings, SOLVERS: Linear Transient Dynamic Settings and SOLVERS: Nonlinear Transient Dynamic Settings, Factor vs Time tables (LAYOUTS: Tables) can be assigned to load paths to vary the load magnitude of vehicles over time. With this option, load can vary in both position and time in these solvers. This is particularly useful in the modelling of surface irregularities and pedestrian footfall. An example of applying a ground reaction function due to walking gait to a load path is shown below.

See Also