Plate Attributes: Cavity


Assigns a cavity layout to a plate element surface.

A cavity layout defines fluid contained within a closed volume. The fluid can be an ideal gas at a specified initial pressure and temperature, or a fluid defined by its bulk modulus, thermal expansion coefficient and a pre-stress. The closed volume is specified by its outer surface using a cluster of connected plate elements that together form a closed, watertight surface enclosing the volume. The cavity is only valid if all the elements defining its surface are assigned the same cavity layout. Elements of Property 0 with the appropriate cavity layout assigned can be used to close a surface if required.

Cavity attributes are independent of load and freedom cases, although the cavity definition itself may be load case dependent.


Available Cavity Layouts

Lists the available cavity layouts for selection.

Surface -z /+z

Sets the plate surface on which the cavity layout is applied.

Both -z and +z faces of the same plate element can be assigned a cavity layout to simulate a diaphragm separating two cavities.

Common Controls

See Also