Entity Display Settings: Brick Display


Configures the parameters associated with the display of brick elements.


Fill / Outline

The fill and outline colours of the plate elements drawn.

Contour Type

Quantities and qualities of brick elements.

This is available when Fill is set to Contour.


Displays number labels of selected type next to the brick elements.

Draw x / y / z axis

If set, draws the local axes of brick elements on brick faces.

Draw all faces when showing wireframes

If set and Fill is set to None, every face of each individual brick element within the model is drawn such that brick internal outlines are also visible.

Shrink (%)

Draws individual brick elements smaller than their actual size, that is, shrunk from their nodes.

The amount of shrink is specified using a percentage scale with 0% representing no shrink, and 95% representing almost fully shrunk.

Common Controls

See Also