New Graph: Quantity Tab


List of all result quantities available for graphing.

Result quantity availability is determined by the solution type, the entity type and the result quantities requested in the SOLVERS: Results tab.



Types of entities of which results are plotted.


Result quantity to plot.

Only quantities applicable to the selected entity type are listed.


Axis system in which the selected result quantity is expressed in.

Depending on the entity and quantity type, available axis systems may be Principal, Local, Global, UCS, Restraint UCS and Combined. Combined indicates result quantities that comprise multiple components to produce a result; these include principal stress and von Mises stress. Restraint UCS refers to the UCS of the restraint attribute applied to the node, in the 1-2-3 system (i.e., first, second and third axis of the UCS).


Component of the selected result quantity to plot.

The components available depend on the chosen axis system.


Position along which beam results are extracted.

Applicable to beam elements only.


Surface on which plate results are extracted.

Applicable to plate elements only.

See Also