Results Peek: Calculator Tab
Single Case
Multi Case
Calculates summations of node or element reaction forces and moments, for one or more result cases.
The calculator can be used for primary cases, spectral response cases with SRSS or CQC results, secondary cases with any combinations, and envelopes.
Specifies if reactions are summed at selected nodes, unselected nodes or both.
Specifies if node or element reactions are summed.
To sum element reactions, Element Node Forces must be set under SOLVERS: Results.
About... (X / Y / Z)
Coordinates of origin point about which moment summations are calculated.
Origin by Point
Sets coordinates to those of a selected point in the model. Point may be a vertex, node or grid point.
Coordinate System
Coordinate system in which the summation components are reported.
Summation components are reported in the global coordinate system
Summation components are reported in the currently active coordinate system.

Computes and displays force and moment reactions, based on the settings selected in the dialog.
Clear Summation

Clears the summation display area (single case) and summation table (multi case).
Multi Case Summation Table
Table of summed forces and moments, one row per result case.
The Calculate column specifies whether or not the summation should be computed for the corresponding result case .

Sets, clears or inverts the selected state of result cases in the Multi Case summation table.
See Also