Mesh Tools: Loft Beams
Automatically generates a lofted surface of plate element with cross beams across a set of lofting beams representing pre-defined slices of the surface.
Cross Beams
If set, cross beams will be generated between the lofting beams.
Beam Property Type
Property type of the cross beams.
If set, plate elements will be generated between the lofting beams.
Plate Property Type
Property type of plates.
Number of steps in which the lofting beams will be divided. Cross beams are generated at these steps.
Sub Steps
Number of steps between lofting steps. Sets the number of plate elements to be generated between each lofting step (i.e., between cross beams).
Common Uses
Typically used for the meshing of ship hulls and aeroplane fuselages, where a surface is defined to fit over a series of two-dimensional cross sections (the lofting beams).
See Also