Move Tools: by Projection to UCS


Moves selected nodes, beams, links and plates by projecting them onto a target surface defined by a UCS, in a specified direction.

The target surface may be a plane (Cartesian UCS), a cylinder (cylindrical UCS) or a sphere (spherical UCS).

Projection is undertaken on a node by node basis and the result depends on both the source and how the target direction is defined, as described in Tools: Project to UCS.


Coordinate System

The coordinate system used to define the target surface.

A Cartesian, cylindrical or spherical coordinate system may be selected.

Target Plane XY / YZ / ZX

The Cartesian plane to use as the target surface.

Applicable only if a Cartesian UCS is selected.

X / Y / Z

Normal position of the target plane. For example, an XY plane is positioned along the Z axis.

Applicable only if a Cartesian UCS is selected.


The radius of the cylindrical or spherical target surface.

Applicable only if a cylindrical or spherical UCS is selected.


Projection direction. Both positive and negative directions are considered for each case.

Common Controls

See Also